I put some little buttons on it, but I didn't love how they worked. They really needed to be bigger to work well with the button loops I had made for them.
Tonight I sat down with my new buttons and started removing the old ones with the intention of swapping them out. On button #3 I got a bad feeling as I cut the yarn holding the button in place.
Apparently it wasn't the button-holding yarn I had snipped.
But how pathetic is that hole?? (Of course it has to be like 40 yards from the cast-on of the darn thing. Couldn't have caused a big hole near the bottom, that I could easily fix, right?
So I spent tonight un-knitting this sweater. All the ends were already woven in, so it was kind of a pain. But, it's finally all back in a ball, albeit in about 10 different pieces. I have no idea what I'll turn it into now, but it's still very pretty yarn!
Looks like it's back to square one as far as that baby gift is concerned!
PS - Wondering why I have a random piece of white paper in the first picture? Ever try photographing something red on top of something else red? (Or on top of anything that isn't black or white?) The camera goes nuts and thinks the sky is falling. Little photography tip - always throw something white in the frame of your picture. It'll help your camera recognize colors correctly, or, at the very least, it will give you a neutral color to use when you're messing around with editing the photo on the computer after the fact.
Oh, FRIG! My stomach bottomed out just reading about it! Yep, you guessed it - I would have cried.